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RE: FE's at the local drags
By McQ - 06/19/2006 3:43:25 PM; IP
Thanks for asking. The big '60 is just about ready. It's licensed and I've had it out on the road for a few short trips. But I haven't got the top or all the interior installed yet. I also need to reinstall the old '60s era traction bars. I'm planning to make the trip to Woodburn OR August 20 for the Dearborn Classics Co. show/drag races. Maybe by then I'll have it ready to make some passes.
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 FE's at the local drags -- McQ, 06/19/2006
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 RE: FE's at the local drags -- Royce P, 06/19/2006
RE: FE's at the local drags -- McQ, 06/19/2006
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