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RE: 390 turnin into a boat anchor
By Bob Sprowl - 12/20/2002 10:28:23 PM; IP
Be sure the secondarries are opening all the way. Just put some modeling clay or something similar on the linkage and then take a drive where you can get the secondaries to open up. The clay will smear, etc, and you can see if they are opening all the way.

Many times they are not.
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 390 turnin into a boat anchor -- matthew s., 12/19/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15791&Reply=15790><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15791" onclick="return false;">Induction ain't the problem.</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Dave Shoe, <i>12/19/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 Induction ain't the problem. -- Dave Shoe, 12/19/2002
 RE: Induction ain't the problem. -- matthew s., 12/20/2002
Collapse <b>RE: 390 turnin into a boat anchor</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Bob Sprowl, <i>12/20/2002</i></font>RE: 390 turnin into a boat anchor -- Bob Sprowl, 12/20/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15819&Reply=15790><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15819" onclick="return false;">RE: 390 turnin into a boat anchor</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>salid, <i>12/22/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 RE: 390 turnin into a boat anchor -- salid, 12/22/2002
 RE: 390 turnin into a boat anchor -- Bob Sprowl, 12/22/2002
 Site Address -- Bob Sprowl, 12/22/2002
 New address http://home.bellsouth.net/p/pwp-bobfe -- Bob Sprowl, 12/22/2002
 Get rid of that intake -- Caleb, 12/22/2002
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