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Help identify Bbf parts?
By MARK LANGLEY - 02/12/2006 1:02:28 AM; IP
I need to know what i have! i just got a 68 cougar ,someone put an fe into it, it has a factory dual quad intake( cast aluminum) part # c3ae-9425-j and the bellhousing/scattershield is also a factory fomoco piece with nascar use only cast into it,can anyone tell me where these pieces are from ?

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Collapse <b>Help identify Bbf parts?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>MARK LANGLEY, <i>02/12/2006</i></font>Help identify Bbf parts? -- MARK LANGLEY, 02/12/2006
 RE: Help identify Bbf parts? -- hot428ford, 02/22/2006
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