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whoa nelly.... he said 63 galaxie boys....
By hawkrod - 11/04/2002 11:39:38 AM; IP
you can not just bolt on a later style aluminum pump and run. the 65 and older engines used different mounts for the accesories. if you put the edelbrock or other later style pump on you will also need to make modifications or replace existing mounts. that is why the books do not show a pump when he looks it up. it can be done and fairly easily but the power steering is a pain and if you have a generator it gets a little worse. if you have an alternator that side will be okay. the mounting surface for the PS pump on the later pumps is not on the same plane as earlier pumps and a spacer has to be fitted. also a support bracket should be used as the pump will try and twist away and so the pulley will not line up well. hawkrod

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Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15114&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15114" onclick="return false;">352 water pump</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>niko, <i>11/04/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 352 water pump -- niko, 11/04/2002
 RE: 352 water pump -- Travis Miller, 11/04/2002
 RE: 352 water pump -- Travis Miller, 11/04/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15118&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15118" onclick="return false;">RE: 352 water pump</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>LarryC., <i>11/04/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 RE: 352 water pump -- LarryC., 11/04/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15119&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15119" onclick="return false;">Where to get one....</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Royce Peterson, <i>11/04/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 Where to get one.... -- Royce Peterson, 11/04/2002
Collapse <b>whoa nelly.... he said 63 galaxie boys....</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>hawkrod, <i>11/04/2002</i></font>whoa nelly.... he said 63 galaxie boys.... -- hawkrod, 11/04/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15121&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15121" onclick="return false;">sorry the HTML didn't work but the link does....</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>hawkrod, <i>11/04/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 sorry the HTML didn't work but the link does.... -- hawkrod, 11/04/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15128&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15128" onclick="return false;">Hawkrod That's a "CHEERY" T-bird.....n/m</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Peter, <i>11/04/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 Hawkrod That's a "CHEERY" T-bird.....n/m -- Peter, 11/04/2002
 RE: Hawkrod That's a "CHERRY" T-bird.....n/m -- Peter, 11/04/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15252&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15252" onclick="return false;">Hey, is that a box of Pennzoil 10W40??</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>P, <i>11/13/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 Hey, is that a box of Pennzoil 10W40?? -- P, 11/13/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15253&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15253" onclick="return false;">it must be your fault....</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>hawkrod, <i>11/13/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 it must be your fault.... -- hawkrod, 11/13/2002
 RE: it must be your fault.... -- Barry B, 11/13/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15122&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15122" onclick="return false;">Germany water pump......</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>kevin, <i>11/04/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 Germany water pump...... -- kevin, 11/04/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15130&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15130" onclick="return false;">Aluminum water pump</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Travis Miller, <i>11/04/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 Aluminum water pump -- Travis Miller, 11/04/2002
 RE: Aluminum water pump -- niko, 11/06/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15150&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15150" onclick="return false;">RE: Germany water pump......</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>niko, <i>11/06/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 RE: Germany water pump...... -- niko, 11/06/2002
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=15163&Reply=15114><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor15163" onclick="return false;">It is done......</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>kevin, <i>11/06/2002</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 It is done...... -- kevin, 11/06/2002
 ACHTUNG!! Hier ist die Polizei!......... -- Theo, 11/06/2002
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