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73 stang 390 swap
By Shawn Royden - 08/23/2001 2:35:55 PM; IP
Hi, I currently have a 73 stang convertible with a 351C 4v, 4speed. I also have a 390 sitting in my garage from an aborted resto. I would like to build up the 390 while still running the car then swap when the motor is ready. First is it worth it and is any additional bracing needed to do this swap. I read about a 69 swap on this site and alot of things needed to change, will it be the same in my case. Any info will be appreciated
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Collapse <b>73 stang 390 swap</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Shawn Royden, <i>08/23/2001</i></font>73 stang 390 swap -- Shawn Royden, 08/23/2001
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 RE: 73 stang 390 swap -- Paul M, 08/23/2001
 RE: 73 stang 390 swap -- Mel Clark, 08/23/2001
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=7812&Reply=7799><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor7812" onclick="return false;">RE: 73 stang 390 swap</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Ross, <i>08/23/2001</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 RE: 73 stang 390 swap -- Ross, 08/23/2001
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=7817&Reply=7799><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<a href="#" id="anchor7817" onclick="return false;">RE: 73 stang 390 swap reason</a>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Shawn Royden, <i>08/24/2001</i></font><script type="text/javascript">
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 RE: 73 stang 390 swap reason -- Shawn Royden, 08/24/2001
 I, pehaps alone, understood the reson. -- Styleline58, 08/24/2001
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