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 Team 3wheels -- Mark, 07/21/2004
I have a 67 Fastback and like the look of there wheels ,has anyone had any dealings with them ,not a lot to choose from here in Australia
 reply to -- kensheffer, 07/20/2004
In regard to FE oiling mods, please see my series of articles in Mustang Illustrated Magazine starting in Jan 2001 and finished after Mustang And Fords Magazine absorbed MIM. There's 50 or more pages of text and photos available there regarding 'dragging the FE into the 21st Century'. See also for further guidance.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22163&Reply=22163><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>What should I do?  Valve lash issue.</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>390dude, <i>07/19/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Ok, so I bought a 390 a while back that was pretty well built, and I was told it had solid lifters (he had run for a couple thousand miles before I bought it) and I have adjusted lash accordingly for several thousand miles (the first time I adjusted the lash was about .022 on each so the guy I bought it from thought it was solid lifter as well).  Changed to a different manifold this week and noticed that I have hydraulic lifters (correct me if I am wrong, but no solid lifter would have oil holes on the side of the lifter and c clips on top, correct?)....<br><br>So, I have been running with lash and it appears that I shouldn't have.  At this point, what would you suggest?  Looks like I might be picking up a little more lift and duration in my cam with a little valve adjustment.  Thoughts? </blockquote> What should I do? Valve lash issue. -- 390dude, 07/19/2004
Ok, so I bought a 390 a while back that was pretty well built, and I was told it had solid lifters (he had run for a couple thousand miles before I bought it) and I have adjusted lash accordingly for several thousand miles (the first time I adjusted the lash was about .022 on each so the guy I bought it from thought it was solid lifter as well). Changed to a different manifold this week and noticed that I have hydraulic lifters (correct me if I am wrong, but no solid lifter would have oil holes on the side of the lifter and c clips on top, correct?)....

So, I have been running with lash and it appears that I shouldn't have. At this point, what would you suggest? Looks like I might be picking up a little more lift and duration in my cam with a little valve adjustment. Thoughts?
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22164&Reply=22163><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: What should I do?  Valve lash issue.</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>raycfe, <i>07/19/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>I would adjust a rocker so the valve opens and let it sit to see if it bleeds down(Valve will slowly close) if it does then you have hyds.If you do the adjustment would be 1 turn of the adjuster after the play(pushrod to rocker) is removed. This should push the plunger of tthe lifter in about .050 </blockquote> RE: What should I do? Valve lash issue. -- raycfe, 07/19/2004
I would adjust a rocker so the valve opens and let it sit to see if it bleeds down(Valve will slowly close) if it does then you have hyds.If you do the adjustment would be 1 turn of the adjuster after the play(pushrod to rocker) is removed. This should push the plunger of tthe lifter in about .050
 Whoa! Hold it....... -- Royce P, 07/21/2004
Isky and some other cam companies market solid lifters made from hydraulic lifter bodies. They have a special insert that takes the place of the plunger and cap. It is held into place by a snap ring and looks for all the world like a hydraulic lifter when assembled.

You need to disassemble one of your lifters to know for sure what you have.

 RE: Got some Cranes with snap rings -- Robert, 07/21/2004
If they are solid and you try to preload them, it is probably going to be ugly.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22158&Reply=22158><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Rollmaster Timing Chain</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John C, <i>07/18/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Boys, I'm just getting ready to put my 390 fe together after getting it back from the machine shop. I've seen these Rollmaster timing chains on Ebay. Has anybody ever used one of these brands and are they any good? I'll take any recommendations.   </blockquote> Rollmaster Timing Chain -- John C, 07/18/2004
Boys, I'm just getting ready to put my 390 fe together after getting it back from the machine shop. I've seen these Rollmaster timing chains on Ebay. Has anybody ever used one of these brands and are they any good? I'll take any recommendations.
 RE: Rollmaster Timing Chain -- Brian, 07/19/2004
I purchased one but have not installed it yet. It looks very nice and I have heard from others they are the best. It looks very close to the one Crane sells for more $. Probably the same one.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22157&Reply=22157><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>CJ Heads Cut</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>BillC, <i>07/18/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>I have a set of c80e-6090-n heads that have been milled down 0.08". The heads have been ported and polished and were on a 10's mustang. I was given the cam and intake with the heads, but I'am abit concerned about the amount of cutting done to the heads. Shoud I be? </blockquote> CJ Heads Cut -- BillC, 07/18/2004
I have a set of c80e-6090-n heads that have been milled down 0.08". The heads have been ported and polished and were on a 10's mustang. I was given the cam and intake with the heads, but I'am abit concerned about the amount of cutting done to the heads. Shoud I be?
 RE: CJ Heads Cut -- giacamo, 07/18/2004
.08 you should be ok, if you are really woried use a thicker head gasket thay make ones that will take up that easy......
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22155&Reply=22155><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Brake help</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Joe Metzger, <i>07/17/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>I am restoring a 69 Mach 1 and I have replaced the entire brake system except for the metering valve. I am getting the brake sysem light. The car did not run or have a battery when I got it so I do not know if it is the valve.  One thing I was a little unsure about is when I was bench bleeding the master cylinder the front was bleeding fine with the temp tube I installed not being submurged in the resavour where as I could visibely see the flud squirting out. But the back tube just keep spitting air untill I submurged it into the flud thus being able to draw fluid back into the temp tube. Not being a mechanic I do not know if this is normal.  Also I converted to cylocone which I don't think would make any difference.  <br><br>                      Thanks In advance Joe </blockquote> Brake help -- Joe Metzger, 07/17/2004
I am restoring a 69 Mach 1 and I have replaced the entire brake system except for the metering valve. I am getting the brake sysem light. The car did not run or have a battery when I got it so I do not know if it is the valve. One thing I was a little unsure about is when I was bench bleeding the master cylinder the front was bleeding fine with the temp tube I installed not being submurged in the resavour where as I could visibely see the flud squirting out. But the back tube just keep spitting air untill I submurged it into the flud thus being able to draw fluid back into the temp tube. Not being a mechanic I do not know if this is normal. Also I converted to cylocone which I don't think would make any difference.

Thanks In advance Joe
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22156&Reply=22155><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Brake help</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>raycfe, <i>07/17/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Bleeding the light is on because the switch in the block has been pushed off center. I would dump the Dot 5, but you have to flush it real good. Dot 4 is all you need.  Bleeding in a jar is almost a must. After the bleeding is all done the lite is reset by having a helper push real hard on the pedal and watch the lite. You open a rear bleeder as little a possible and close it as soon as the lite goes out, if it doesn't repeat on front. You would get more help if you posted in the other (-FE) forum. </blockquote> RE: Brake help -- raycfe, 07/17/2004
Bleeding the light is on because the switch in the block has been pushed off center. I would dump the Dot 5, but you have to flush it real good. Dot 4 is all you need. Bleeding in a jar is almost a must. After the bleeding is all done the lite is reset by having a helper push real hard on the pedal and watch the lite. You open a rear bleeder as little a possible and close it as soon as the lite goes out, if it doesn't repeat on front. You would get more help if you posted in the other (-FE) forum.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22159&Reply=22155><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Brake help</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Joe Metzger, <i>07/18/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>I tried your advice and had no luck. I wonder if the switch in the valve could be shorted because the brakes feel good. Any other advice would be appriciated.  Can you send me the links to the other boards you spoke of?   Thanks Joe </blockquote> RE: Brake help -- Joe Metzger, 07/18/2004
I tried your advice and had no luck. I wonder if the switch in the valve could be shorted because the brakes feel good. Any other advice would be appriciated. Can you send me the links to the other boards you spoke of? Thanks Joe
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22162&Reply=22155><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Brake help</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>raycfe, <i>07/19/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>The valve that slides to control the switch may be jammed in the housing. Remove the switch(fluid will not leak out) and operate the plunger to test the switch. Out is off in is on..If you want to bypass the switch just unplug it or cut off the plunger...Heres a picture of a typical valve <br /><img src="" /></blockquote> RE: Brake help -- raycfe, 07/19/2004
The valve that slides to control the switch may be jammed in the housing. Remove the switch(fluid will not leak out) and operate the plunger to test the switch. Out is off in is on..If you want to bypass the switch just unplug it or cut off the plunger...Heres a picture of a typical valve
 RE: Brake help -- Joe, 07/19/2004
Thanks for your help and insight. Now since I understang how it works I did a little investigating. I removed the swith and used a piece of wire and it feels like the switch piston is sitting in the right spot. I could feel the sloped sides where the pin should rest. I was curious to see how much I had to unscrew the swithch and check with an ohm meter until the switch was closed. I did not even have to back it out 1/2 turn to close the circuit which is only a fraction. Thus no more light. I believe the tolerence is so close that if something is not made to exact specks it can cause the light to come on or not at all.
I think if you had a condition where you lost pressure to one side bad enough to move the pistion while you were trying to stop the car you would be more inclined to make the car stop and not be looking to see if your idiot light was working. I hope I never have to find out. Thanks again for your help.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22145&Reply=22145><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Badger pistons - good/bad/average?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>richard, <i>07/17/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Anyone have experience with them?  Found a short block with their cast flat tops (390 .030 over). </blockquote> Badger pistons - good/bad/average? -- richard, 07/17/2004
Anyone have experience with them? Found a short block with their cast flat tops (390 .030 over).
 RE: Badger pistons - good/bad/average? -- gene simmons, 07/17/2004
badger/sterling/silvolite all seem to be from the same parent company, if its just a daily driver- should be fine to use
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22148&Reply=22145><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Badger pistons - good/bad/average?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>giacamo, <i>07/17/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>ok for a stock setup only thay have to much casting slag ruff casting for my liking and the weights very tomuch for my likeing. but for a low rpm ap thear problie ok..... </blockquote> RE: Badger pistons - good/bad/average? -- giacamo, 07/17/2004
ok for a stock setup only thay have to much casting slag ruff casting for my liking and the weights very tomuch for my likeing. but for a low rpm ap thear problie ok.....
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22153&Reply=22145><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Badger pistons - good/bad/average?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>gene simmons, <i>07/17/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>i used my triple beam to bring them into balance / they werent too bad/ my toyota pistons were much more out of balance when i built that motor. </blockquote> RE: Badger pistons - good/bad/average? -- gene simmons, 07/17/2004
i used my triple beam to bring them into balance / they werent too bad/ my toyota pistons were much more out of balance when i built that motor.
 RE: Badger pistons - good/bad/average? -- giacamo, 07/17/2004
maybe badger is coming around but i like fm thear like a old friend that dousen,t let me down........
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22142&Reply=22142><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Any possibility of bringing back the engine page?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>P, <i>07/16/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>It was a fantastic database and source of information for the enthusiastic parts buyer.<br><br>Months ago I asked this question and was given an answer that I'm following up on today.  What's the straight scoop? </blockquote> Any possibility of bringing back the engine page? -- P, 07/16/2004
It was a fantastic database and source of information for the enthusiastic parts buyer.

Months ago I asked this question and was given an answer that I'm following up on today. What's the straight scoop?
 RE: Any possibility of bringing back the engine page? -- Bob, 07/17/2004
Would love to see also. Thought I had forgoten how to get to was not sure it was gone.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22215&Reply=22142><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Possible? Yes. Likely? No. Please see related...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Mr F, <i>07/26/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote><a href=""></a> </blockquote> Possible? Yes. Likely? No. Please see related... -- Mr F, 07/26/2004
 Good news!?? I followed the . . . -- Orin, 07/26/2004
. . . links in the emails posted here on that subject and found that while I could access the Mr. F's old pages back to 1999, not all of the stuff is there. From his old home page you can get to the old "Obsolete Engine Texbook" page, which is a gold mine on old engine data, but the system did not (?) archieve the actual data. That is, when you click on an engine type such as "C-Code 289-2V" the sytem responds that the page is not available. I tried using several different dates offered on the menu page, but never got to the data on a specific engine.
That's good news for Mr. F, as he can at least have some degree of protection from people stealing his work.
I'm not too computer-savvy so I suspect a more cunning, crafty, and larcenous person could find the old data. But for someone who is only looking for curiosity, we'd be stopped dead right after the " Data Not Available" flag popped up.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22136&Reply=22136><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Rebuild follow-up, rods and pistons</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>richard, <i>07/16/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Seen mention of shot peening rods after balancing/machining and before installing.  What is the purpose - to reduce any possible stress risers in the surface?<br><br>And cast vs. foged pistons.  Consensus seems to be forged are better.  Is this just due to possible flaws in a casting (inclusions, porosity, etc) that are less likely in forged, thus forged are "stronger"? </blockquote> Rebuild follow-up, rods and pistons -- richard, 07/16/2004
Seen mention of shot peening rods after balancing/machining and before installing. What is the purpose - to reduce any possible stress risers in the surface?

And cast vs. foged pistons. Consensus seems to be forged are better. Is this just due to possible flaws in a casting (inclusions, porosity, etc) that are less likely in forged, thus forged are "stronger"?
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22137&Reply=22136><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Rebuild follow-up, rods and pistons</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Gerry Proctor, <i>07/16/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Shotpeening compacts the grain structure to make the rod stronger and when done in conjunction with polishing, does reduce stress risers.<br><br>The cast v. forged pistons is more a matter of how you're going to use the engine.  Cast (or hypereutectic cast) is fine for engines that won't see rpm continually over 6k or so and no supercharging, chemical or mechanical.  Hypereutectics can take a fair amount of hard use (including boost and detonation) and cover the gap between plain cast and forged.  You're dealing with two issues on a cast piston:  Strength of the piston pin boss in tension, and;  durability under high-heat and stress from detonation.<br><br>If the engine is going to be abused then you'd want to look at a forged or at least a hypereutectic piston.  If the engine will live a more reserved life then a hypereutectic or regular cast piston would be better.  Hypereutectic pistons cover a lot of ground.  They're much stronger than eutectic cast pistons but not quite as strong as a forged piston.  There are also balance considerations to make when using a forged piston so if you're not going to have the assembly balanced you need to use a piston that is as close in weight to the previously balanced crank.  Ultimately, you would like to put as light a piston as possible on the rod and you won't get there with a FM or TRW forging.  You have to go to Ross, JE, and the others for a custom piston.  There are also at least two alloys used in forged pistons depending on how it will be used.  A real race piston is very light, strong, and just about unusable in a street engine due to clearance and noise issues.  The TRW/FM off the shelf forgings are more suited to a street and occasional race engine, run quieter, but they are on the heavy side.<br><br>So use a plain cast piston if the engine will live a grocery-getter life and won't see any hard use.  Use a hypereutectic if you're going to lean on the engine.  Use a forged piston if you're going to be brutal on the thing. </blockquote> RE: Rebuild follow-up, rods and pistons -- Gerry Proctor, 07/16/2004
Shotpeening compacts the grain structure to make the rod stronger and when done in conjunction with polishing, does reduce stress risers.

The cast v. forged pistons is more a matter of how you're going to use the engine. Cast (or hypereutectic cast) is fine for engines that won't see rpm continually over 6k or so and no supercharging, chemical or mechanical. Hypereutectics can take a fair amount of hard use (including boost and detonation) and cover the gap between plain cast and forged. You're dealing with two issues on a cast piston: Strength of the piston pin boss in tension, and; durability under high-heat and stress from detonation.

If the engine is going to be abused then you'd want to look at a forged or at least a hypereutectic piston. If the engine will live a more reserved life then a hypereutectic or regular cast piston would be better. Hypereutectic pistons cover a lot of ground. They're much stronger than eutectic cast pistons but not quite as strong as a forged piston. There are also balance considerations to make when using a forged piston so if you're not going to have the assembly balanced you need to use a piston that is as close in weight to the previously balanced crank. Ultimately, you would like to put as light a piston as possible on the rod and you won't get there with a FM or TRW forging. You have to go to Ross, JE, and the others for a custom piston. There are also at least two alloys used in forged pistons depending on how it will be used. A real race piston is very light, strong, and just about unusable in a street engine due to clearance and noise issues. The TRW/FM off the shelf forgings are more suited to a street and occasional race engine, run quieter, but they are on the heavy side.

So use a plain cast piston if the engine will live a grocery-getter life and won't see any hard use. Use a hypereutectic if you're going to lean on the engine. Use a forged piston if you're going to be brutal on the thing.
 Thanks for teaching me something! ;-) n/m -- richard, 07/16/2004
 RE: Rebuild follow-up, rods and pistons -- gene simmons, 07/16/2004
when i was selecting pistons for my 410 rebuild there wasnt many choices, ross has a nice set but beyond my price range. forge pistons will need more clearance becuase they expand more then a cast but yes they willl handle more boost.
 RE: Rebuild follow-up, rods and pistons -- giacamo, 07/17/2004
i love fm cast pistons i,v used them on many 390 bilds and never had a piston give out. most of the 390,s wer pickup truck moters with a mild cam and 4 barral carb and run around the 6000 rpm rang top,s and last wel over the 100000, mile mark,yes forged is strounger. but for a street ap i, use cast i,v bilt with forged for a street moters and the custermer,s bigest camplante oil usage wich is a given with the clearinces on the forged so i just use them for all out racing but for the cast i,d use fed m thay seam to be the best out thear. the hyper pistones in my book are not worth the money on the 390 aps having no pistone fail with the fm cast is the way i go,unless your raceing , my two cents.......
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22128&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>'70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John, <i>07/15/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Hi guys (me again) ... just got a 37,000 mi. '70 Shelby 428CJ back on the road after 15 years in the hands of a greiving widow.   Re-bearinged, ringed and gasketed it and it runs hot NOT TO MENTION carb problems.   My questions ... Is it possible that the car came with a manual choke?   It has what I think to be the original Holley 650.   How much has carb technology changed since 1970?    Does it make sense to remove the original carb, pack it in JUMBO Crown Royal sack and keep it for the future?  <br>Should I purchase a NEW design carb w/ electric choke?   ... if so, what brand / model?<br>Should I replace the old points / coil system with a new and improved design?  ... if so, wehat brand / model?   <br>Before you answer ... I do realize the value of originality but want to DRIVE AND KEEP THIS GEM FOR A LONG, LONG TIME.<br><br>Thanks ... John </blockquote> '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ? -- John, 07/15/2004
Hi guys (me again) ... just got a 37,000 mi. '70 Shelby 428CJ back on the road after 15 years in the hands of a greiving widow. Re-bearinged, ringed and gasketed it and it runs hot NOT TO MENTION carb problems. My questions ... Is it possible that the car came with a manual choke? It has what I think to be the original Holley 650. How much has carb technology changed since 1970? Does it make sense to remove the original carb, pack it in JUMBO Crown Royal sack and keep it for the future?
Should I purchase a NEW design carb w/ electric choke? ... if so, what brand / model?
Should I replace the old points / coil system with a new and improved design? ... if so, wehat brand / model?
Before you answer ... I do realize the value of originality but want to DRIVE AND KEEP THIS GEM FOR A LONG, LONG TIME.

Thanks ... John
 Nope. -- Royce, 07/15/2004
Your carburetor should be 735 CFM if it is original. What are the numbers on the air horn? These are fantastic carburetors when rebuilt and adjusted properly. No aftermarket carburetor is as good.

Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22139&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John, <i>07/16/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Some of the 70 Shelbys still have 69 carbs, but it might have a 70 carb. Find your number at <a href=""></a><br><br>John </blockquote> RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ? -- John, 07/16/2004
Some of the 70 Shelbys still have 69 carbs, but it might have a 70 carb. Find your number at

 RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ? -- Tony P., 07/16/2004
John, like Royce said keep the original carb, get it rebuilt after sitting 15yrs. it needs it. As for running hot , nothing heats up an FE quicker than retrded timing, make sure you have enough timing. Set the initial at about 12 deg. and check to make sure you have another 18-20 degrees advance at 2000 RPM. The centrifigal weights could be stuck from sitting.
 RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ? -- Tony P., 07/16/2004
Also forgot to mention in the previous post ,if you want to replace the points try a pertronix system, it will screw into place of the original points and retain the original look, no exterior ignition box required. About $75.00
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22190&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Geoff, <i>07/23/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>If it's a manual trans, the Holley list is a 4279, which I have, and Holley no longer offers.<br>& Despite what Royce says, it is a lousy vac-sec. carb with a chock horn that gives you perhaps 1/2" clearance under the air cleaner lid and is marginal for anything but a stone-stock freeway-geared automatic.<br><br>Try a  750-4150HP unless you're driving it in mid winter </blockquote> RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ? -- Geoff, 07/23/2004
If it's a manual trans, the Holley list is a 4279, which I have, and Holley no longer offers.
& Despite what Royce says, it is a lousy vac-sec. carb with a chock horn that gives you perhaps 1/2" clearance under the air cleaner lid and is marginal for anything but a stone-stock freeway-geared automatic.

Try a 750-4150HP unless you're driving it in mid winter
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22193&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Geoff, <i>07/23/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>p.s.<br>I got curious & checked the Holley web site & they no longer offer even the auto-trans version of the 735 cfm 4150 vac. 4bbl. (they used to under their "O.E. Muscle Car" program.)<br><br>Like I said, I have a "sweet" 4279 list for the manual trans CJ, but, you don't want this carb, unless you're doing a 100% resto.  I tried it, used the stock jets, then one size larger, then 2 on the primaries, played with the power valve and diaphragm bored.... <br><br>I tried running it on my '69 428-SCJ pre-"Drag-Pack" drag pack car (& I'll sell it to you if you insist).  It's a single accel. pump, vacuum sec. carb that runs a big split on the main jets, front to rear.  If you have a stick, cam or headers (you don't have a shaker to worry about like I do), it starves you for gas with the tiny primary jets & small single accel. pump while waiting for the can richen it up, but, it still want's to stumble off-idle.<br><br>I put the 4150-HP 750 CFM #0-80528-1 on my Edelbrock RPM and didn't even have to dick with the (4) mixture runs like a top, barks off idle, plugs are tan, 106 MPH thru the trap....and there's no choke horn to impinge on the air flow.  </blockquote> RE: '70 Shelby 428CJ carb questions ? -- Geoff, 07/23/2004
I got curious & checked the Holley web site & they no longer offer even the auto-trans version of the 735 cfm 4150 vac. 4bbl. (they used to under their "O.E. Muscle Car" program.)

Like I said, I have a "sweet" 4279 list for the manual trans CJ, but, you don't want this carb, unless you're doing a 100% resto. I tried it, used the stock jets, then one size larger, then 2 on the primaries, played with the power valve and diaphragm bored....

I tried running it on my '69 428-SCJ pre-"Drag-Pack" drag pack car (& I'll sell it to you if you insist). It's a single accel. pump, vacuum sec. carb that runs a big split on the main jets, front to rear. If you have a stick, cam or headers (you don't have a shaker to worry about like I do), it starves you for gas with the tiny primary jets & small single accel. pump while waiting for the can richen it up, but, it still want's to stumble off-idle.

I put the 4150-HP 750 CFM #0-80528-1 on my Edelbrock RPM and didn't even have to dick with the (4) mixture runs like a top, barks off idle, plugs are tan, 106 MPH thru the trap....and there's no choke horn to impinge on the air flow.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22195&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>despite all the stuff geoff says...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>hawkrod, <i>07/23/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>the 735 is one of the best all around carbs for a CJ. the design was great then and is still great. it offers a fine balance between driveability and economy and still give fantatstic seat of the pants action. unless you are modifying the car there is no reason to change carbs as nothing you can buy will perform better than the stock carb professionally rebuilt (maybe that is why geoff had problems?). hawkrod </blockquote> despite all the stuff geoff says... -- hawkrod, 07/23/2004
the 735 is one of the best all around carbs for a CJ. the design was great then and is still great. it offers a fine balance between driveability and economy and still give fantatstic seat of the pants action. unless you are modifying the car there is no reason to change carbs as nothing you can buy will perform better than the stock carb professionally rebuilt (maybe that is why geoff had problems?). hawkrod
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22198&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: despite all the stuff geoff says...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Barry B, <i>07/23/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>I have to disagree too, the 735 on my CJ is the best running carb. to date and I’ve messed with a lot of different carbs too.  This carb. is a beautiful design with the sensitive truck boosters up front and the free flowing downleg boosters for the rear.  They even cut a notch in them for better distribution on the CJ intake.  The carb. was designed especially for this engine.  Tune it right and it will deliver amazing performance from idle to 6K.<br><br>One thing I’ve noticed is a lot of 735’s for sale at the swap meets have been screwed around with and are either wore out and/or have incorrect parts.  They’ll hesitate and have a flat spot that you’ll never get out.<br> </blockquote> RE: despite all the stuff geoff says... -- Barry B, 07/23/2004
I have to disagree too, the 735 on my CJ is the best running carb. to date and I’ve messed with a lot of different carbs too. This carb. is a beautiful design with the sensitive truck boosters up front and the free flowing downleg boosters for the rear. They even cut a notch in them for better distribution on the CJ intake. The carb. was designed especially for this engine. Tune it right and it will deliver amazing performance from idle to 6K.

One thing I’ve noticed is a lot of 735’s for sale at the swap meets have been screwed around with and are either wore out and/or have incorrect parts. They’ll hesitate and have a flat spot that you’ll never get out.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22199&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: despite all the stuff geoff says...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Geoff, <i>07/23/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Agree, great carb for a resto/stock motor, particularly with an automatic.  I just never liked mine.  If you have headers the choke tube won't stay on the little prong and you end up on high idle going down the freeway.  Also, with a shaker, the air cleaner lid is literally jammed down on top of the choke horn with about 3/8"-1/2" clearance...lotta good the shaker does then.  The 4150-HP loses the choke horn and gives dual accel. pumps and mechanical secondaries, it was a day & night improvement on my mildly modified CJ. </blockquote> RE: despite all the stuff geoff says... -- Geoff, 07/23/2004
Agree, great carb for a resto/stock motor, particularly with an automatic. I just never liked mine. If you have headers the choke tube won't stay on the little prong and you end up on high idle going down the freeway. Also, with a shaker, the air cleaner lid is literally jammed down on top of the choke horn with about 3/8"-1/2" clearance...lotta good the shaker does then. The 4150-HP loses the choke horn and gives dual accel. pumps and mechanical secondaries, it was a day & night improvement on my mildly modified CJ.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22212&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Re:  thanks for all the info / advice</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John J., <i>07/25/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Thanks guys ... I really appreciate all the response and opinions.   I bought a Holley 4381 for my Shelby 4 speed.   Of course I will keep the original ... it has the following numbers on it 4279 (inked) ... C9AF-9510M.<br><br>I founs a 160 degree thermostat that I'm putting in this week ... and as I removed the rad and took it to a shop to have the tank removed and re-rodded to clean 'er up - he noticed some crazy sediment that looked like mouse remnants.  I guess that happened last winter whaen I had it laying around and failed to block the holes!   I'm dying to get it back on the road for some summer cruising ... somebody has to show up at the local cruises with a Cobra Jet!   Check my new post for the other problem ... J. </blockquote> Re: thanks for all the info / advice -- John J., 07/25/2004
Thanks guys ... I really appreciate all the response and opinions. I bought a Holley 4381 for my Shelby 4 speed. Of course I will keep the original ... it has the following numbers on it 4279 (inked) ... C9AF-9510M.

I founs a 160 degree thermostat that I'm putting in this week ... and as I removed the rad and took it to a shop to have the tank removed and re-rodded to clean 'er up - he noticed some crazy sediment that looked like mouse remnants. I guess that happened last winter whaen I had it laying around and failed to block the holes! I'm dying to get it back on the road for some summer cruising ... somebody has to show up at the local cruises with a Cobra Jet! Check my new post for the other problem ... J.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22236&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Re:  thanks for all the info / advice</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Geoff, <i>07/27/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>Now, a mouse in the radiator might explain the overheating.  Poor little thing. </blockquote> RE: Re: thanks for all the info / advice -- Geoff, 07/27/2004
Now, a mouse in the radiator might explain the overheating. Poor little thing.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22237&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Mouse trails</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John J., <i>07/27/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>It seems that I failed to block the holes in the rad after I removed it last winter and a mouse made a nest with some fibers he found in the garage.   I think he was related to the varmint Bill Murry was after in Caddyshack ... <br><br>[Image deleted by Admin.] </blockquote> Mouse trails -- John J., 07/27/2004
It seems that I failed to block the holes in the rad after I removed it last winter and a mouse made a nest with some fibers he found in the garage. I think he was related to the varmint Bill Murry was after in Caddyshack ...

[Image deleted by Admin.]
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=22242&Reply=22128><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Mouse trails</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Geoff, <i>07/28/2004</i></font><br /><blockquote>just keep the C-4 and det cord away from that sweet GT-500! </blockquote> RE: Mouse trails -- Geoff, 07/28/2004
just keep the C-4 and det cord away from that sweet GT-500!
 RE: Over / heating -- John J., 07/28/2004
Well I buttoned it all up w/ a rodded rad, water wetter and a 160 degree stat ... all is well SO FAR! I took it out for a warm up cycle spin and it pretty much hovered at 4 (if half way up on the stock guage is 5). I drove it sopme more and got on it a bit ... drove home (in the rain) and put it in the garage. I checked the guage a few minutes later and it only rose to about 6.5. I'm happy ... just waiting to see if there is any more "fuzz" in the system somewhere - waiting to collect in the rad tubes again. I'm planning on setting the alarm for 6:30 tomorrow morning - gonna replace the carb before work.
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