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Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16138&Reply=16138><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>C6AE-6316-A Balancer</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Courtney Bolze, <i>01/29/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>What exactly is this balancer? I got it off of an unkown vintage 428PI. The original number (the 6 and A) on the back side has been removed with an end mill and restamped by hand. It has FoMoCo script in an oval. On the front side it has the following numbers/letters: L 138 664 [0] 2. The ring has A6 TDC 0 thru 30 degrees and measures 1.5" wide, 7.5" dia x5/8" thick. It had a cast iron single grove pully bolted with the 3 bolts and the crank bolt, it's number is C5TE-6312-A. <br /><img src="" /></blockquote> C6AE-6316-A Balancer -- Courtney Bolze, 01/29/2003
What exactly is this balancer? I got it off of an unkown vintage 428PI. The original number (the 6 and A) on the back side has been removed with an end mill and restamped by hand. It has FoMoCo script in an oval. On the front side it has the following numbers/letters: L 138 664 [0] 2. The ring has A6 TDC 0 thru 30 degrees and measures 1.5" wide, 7.5" dia x5/8" thick. It had a cast iron single grove pully bolted with the 3 bolts and the crank bolt, it's number is C5TE-6312-A.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16152&Reply=16138><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>66 428 PI balancer....</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>hawkrod, <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>that is a 66 428 PI balancer. it is almost the same a 427 but has a beveled back edge. the numbers are milled out and restamped because the part started its life as a 427 unit and once the extra bevel was added they needed to change the part number. the date code you gave us is a january 1966 so its too early for a 67 shelby. hawkrod </blockquote> 66 428 PI balancer.... -- hawkrod, 01/30/2003
that is a 66 428 PI balancer. it is almost the same a 427 but has a beveled back edge. the numbers are milled out and restamped because the part started its life as a 427 unit and once the extra bevel was added they needed to change the part number. the date code you gave us is a january 1966 so its too early for a 67 shelby. hawkrod
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16161&Reply=16138><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 66 428 PI balancer beveled edge</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Courtney Bolze, <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>So, are the numbers on the front a julian date, 138th day of 1966? I'm used to the typical casting date of 6E23 etc. What was the reason for the bevel on the back edge? I forgot to mention the pully is 6 5/8" dia. Thanks, Courtney Bolze. </blockquote> RE: 66 428 PI balancer beveled edge -- Courtney Bolze, 01/30/2003
So, are the numbers on the front a julian date, 138th day of 1966? I'm used to the typical casting date of 6E23 etc. What was the reason for the bevel on the back edge? I forgot to mention the pully is 6 5/8" dia. Thanks, Courtney Bolze.
 the A6 next to the timing marks is.... -- hawkrod, 01/30/2003
the date code. it is month year. sorry, but i am not sure about the reason for the bevel. hawkrod
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16135&Reply=16135><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>edelbrock performer rpm heads/cam-68 Cougar 390</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Gary Adam, <i>01/29/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote> Hello from the north country - Canada.<br>Want to  install Edelbrock Performer RPM heads and matching cam on my 68 Cougar 390GT C-6. Anybody running this combo and any comments about it. Going to go with FPA headers- have performer rpm intake and waterpump. 370 posi rear gears. Also noted some comments that 68 fe390 has thermactor ports -- mine does not -- maybe because of a<br>Canadian engine? Should I run a stall convertor and how high. Cam specs are 236 degrees at .050 and .572 lift intake & exhaust.<br>Really enjoy this site and appreciate the sharing of info. Gotta go kick some 396 ass! </blockquote> edelbrock performer rpm heads/cam-68 Cougar 390 -- Gary Adam, 01/29/2003
Hello from the north country - Canada.
Want to install Edelbrock Performer RPM heads and matching cam on my 68 Cougar 390GT C-6. Anybody running this combo and any comments about it. Going to go with FPA headers- have performer rpm intake and waterpump. 370 posi rear gears. Also noted some comments that 68 fe390 has thermactor ports -- mine does not -- maybe because of a
Canadian engine? Should I run a stall convertor and how high. Cam specs are 236 degrees at .050 and .572 lift intake & exhaust.
Really enjoy this site and appreciate the sharing of info. Gotta go kick some 396 ass!
 RE: My personal opinion about the RPM cam... -- Gerry Proctor, 01/29/2003
Is that you can do much better especially with an automatic. I've never been a big fan of tight lobe centers because of what they do to your mileage and idle. They do punch up your midrange over a wider LSA but it's kind of one of those things you have to experience for yourself. After I did my RPM heads, I installed three cams in two weeks (I was a busy little bee) before settling on the one I have now. Frankly, I don't understand that RPM cam as being "matched" to the heads considering how well the heads flow. I won't even tell you what cam I'm using in my similarly configured '67 Fairlane (except I'm using a 3.89 Deroit Locker).

You may be able to get by with your stock converter but it will be immediatly apparent that this is a marginal situation at best. You'll probably find it hard to maintain a good idle in gear and that you have to put a firm foot on the brake pedal to hold the car. But the perfect solution greatly depends on how you drive the car and what you use if for. You should go with at least 2,000 rpm stall and you would probably be O.K. with up to 3,000 rpm stall. But leave the stock converter in it for now to see if it's a situation that you can live with. You have nothing to loose if it just doesn't work for you.

 RE: edelbrock performer rpm heads/cam-68 Cougar 390 -- tim, 01/30/2003
you should be ok for now with that, i have a
67 Fairlane with a 428 scj and edelbrock
heads the cam is comp. 246,256 @050
.572 & 592 lift. this thing runs like jack
the bear.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16150&Reply=16135><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: edelbrock performer rpm heads/cam-68 Cougar 390</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>tim, <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>p.s Iam from Canada as well </blockquote> RE: edelbrock performer rpm heads/cam-68 Cougar 390 -- tim, 01/30/2003
p.s Iam from Canada as well
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16153&Reply=16135><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: edelbrock performer rpm heads/cam-68 Cougar 390</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Gary Adam, <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>appreciate the input. Right now I'm running with stock cam, 2.75 open diff. Mainly for cruising. Want a good idle. Stock Holley 4150-<br>600 vac. Still runnin stock points! (lol) But heh<br>it runs terrific. I can tell its runnin out of breath<br>after 4500 - stock manifolds dont help either.<br>Still lays 60 ft of rubber into 2nd. (I know, I know-open diff) Took a BMW M5 last year - that felt good. He even give me two thumbs up! What part of Canada you from Tim?Gerry<br>what kinda cam would you recommend? </blockquote> RE: edelbrock performer rpm heads/cam-68 Cougar 390 -- Gary Adam, 01/30/2003
appreciate the input. Right now I'm running with stock cam, 2.75 open diff. Mainly for cruising. Want a good idle. Stock Holley 4150-
600 vac. Still runnin stock points! (lol) But heh
it runs terrific. I can tell its runnin out of breath
after 4500 - stock manifolds dont help either.
Still lays 60 ft of rubber into 2nd. (I know, I know-open diff) Took a BMW M5 last year - that felt good. He even give me two thumbs up! What part of Canada you from Tim?Gerry
what kinda cam would you recommend?
 RE: I don't generally recommend. -- Gerry Proctor, 01/30/2003
That is one of those things best left between you and the cam company. In my opinion, about as much as anyone can do as far as a recommendation is what clearly doesn't work or doesn't work well. With so many choices, it's about the same as asking what kind of wife you should have. Unfortunately, many folks on the Internet think they're a cam expert and will be eager to tell you use this cam or that cam.

All the cam companies have tech lines where you can have a frank discussion with the rep about what you've got and how you use the car and what your goals are with the car. You can then make some educated decisions about what cam will be appropriate for what you intend. You can also discuss other issues like lifters, springs, retainers, rockers, pushrods and other items that have to be taken into consideration.

Don't go it alone. Call the reps to save yourself time, money, and grief. Good luck on your car.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16130&Reply=16130><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>New 4340 forged cranks are at least 60 days out.</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Dave Shoe, <i>01/29/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>I just checked up on the rumored chrome moly 4340 forged steel FE crank and the first batch looks to be at least 60 days out due to some backlogs of other projects. <br><br>It's reasonable to believe there won't be any available for several months, but we can hope for maybe a three month delay. The project is active, and the strokes look to possibly be from 3.984" to 4.375". Crudely approximated pricing is in the $1400.00 to $1600.00 arena.<br><br>I forgot to ask whether I can use the company name with any of this preliminary info (they may incorrectly believe I work for Genesis, and may only be talking to me for this reason). I'll call back in a month and will see about reporting more. If anyone else knows more, please feel free to post.<br><br>Shoe. </blockquote> New 4340 forged cranks are at least 60 days out. -- Dave Shoe, 01/29/2003
I just checked up on the rumored chrome moly 4340 forged steel FE crank and the first batch looks to be at least 60 days out due to some backlogs of other projects.

It's reasonable to believe there won't be any available for several months, but we can hope for maybe a three month delay. The project is active, and the strokes look to possibly be from 3.984" to 4.375". Crudely approximated pricing is in the $1400.00 to $1600.00 arena.

I forgot to ask whether I can use the company name with any of this preliminary info (they may incorrectly believe I work for Genesis, and may only be talking to me for this reason). I'll call back in a month and will see about reporting more. If anyone else knows more, please feel free to post.

Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16131&Reply=16130><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>That's great, Dave.  But right now...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Gerry Proctor, <i>01/29/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>If a trip around the world cost a nickle, I couldn't afford to get out of sight. :-)<br><br>My son started college last year and it only seems correct and proper that my financial priorities should go to ensuring he doesn't pursue a career in the beef industry..."You want fries with that?" </blockquote> That's great, Dave. But right now... -- Gerry Proctor, 01/29/2003
If a trip around the world cost a nickle, I couldn't afford to get out of sight. :-)

My son started college last year and it only seems correct and proper that my financial priorities should go to ensuring he doesn't pursue a career in the beef industry..."You want fries with that?"
 Hey, I'm in the beef industry! -- Dave Shoe, 01/29/2003
Actually, that's a buncha bull, but I'm with you on the cost factor.

Maybe in about two years, or maybe three, I'll be able to budget a Genesis iron block, forged stroker crank, Crower rods, and the rest of the goodies necessary to make a seriously supercharged FE last a long while.

Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16121&Reply=16121><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>boss on ebay  v199</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>wes tanner, <i>01/28/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>just thought i would give ever one a warning if you buy a car from this guy check him out real good.His email is v199. He sold me what was suppose me numbers matching mach that had never been wrecked.Got ahold previous owner he told me car did not have motor in it when he sold it and had been wrecked twice.Now im stuck with high dollar piece of junk  Thanks Wes Tanner </blockquote> boss on ebay v199 -- wes tanner, 01/28/2003
just thought i would give ever one a warning if you buy a car from this guy check him out real good.His email is v199. He sold me what was suppose me numbers matching mach that had never been wrecked.Got ahold previous owner he told me car did not have motor in it when he sold it and had been wrecked twice.Now im stuck with high dollar piece of junk Thanks Wes Tanner
 You mean this guy . . . -- Orin, 01/28/2003

Geez, $1K-plus for hulk with a VIN. The pictures tell all . . . .
 RE: boss on ebay v199 -- matt, 01/28/2003
you think maybe the tree growing out of the engine compartment comes with it?
 What to do -- John, 01/28/2003
Well, most of us have been there before even if we don't want to admit it. So here's what to do. Get the cash, find an engine. Do whatever you have to, to fix it up very original, yet obviously not with matching numbers. A lot of elbow grease at about 10 cents an hour. But when you are finished, you will be proud of what you've done. You will have something quite valuable. And best of all, you can e-mail the guy a picture of the finished car and a copy of your professionally sought assesment for revenge. All in all, quite an achievemnet. As an added bonus, all your friends wil drop in with beer while you are working on it to give you encouragement despite the obvious delay in getting it done. I, for one, will support you. YOU can do it! If you need help, write to this forum. I am sure all will be willing to help you succeeed. Best of luck!
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16119&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>390 "Truck" Motor</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>SDP, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Just thought I'd share some chassis dyno results from a 390 I built for a buddys truck(76 F150 4WD):<br>259 rear wheel HP(5200rpm)<br>339 ft lbs of torque(3000rpm)<br>Motor was built very mild(10.1 comp. ratio), no cyl head porting, CJ iron intake, F/Mogul Hyper-U pistons, CJ grind cam, 'non adj' rockers, and Hooker Comp headers with a full 2 1/2" exhaust system. The carb used was a 650 dbl pumper 4010 series Holley................... </blockquote> 390 "Truck" Motor -- SDP, 01/27/2003
Just thought I'd share some chassis dyno results from a 390 I built for a buddys truck(76 F150 4WD):
259 rear wheel HP(5200rpm)
339 ft lbs of torque(3000rpm)
Motor was built very mild(10.1 comp. ratio), no cyl head porting, CJ iron intake, F/Mogul Hyper-U pistons, CJ grind cam, 'non adj' rockers, and Hooker Comp headers with a full 2 1/2" exhaust system. The carb used was a 650 dbl pumper 4010 series Holley...................
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16128&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 390 "Truck" Motor</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Rollie H., <i>01/29/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>I sure do like those dyno results! If it isn't too much trouble I would like to see more details on the build up. I am planning on building a 390 later for an F100 and your info will be a great help. </blockquote> RE: 390 "Truck" Motor -- Rollie H., 01/29/2003
I sure do like those dyno results! If it isn't too much trouble I would like to see more details on the build up. I am planning on building a 390 later for an F100 and your info will be a great help.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16140&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>SDP, <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Rollie, what in particular would you like to know other than what I have mentioned? </blockquote> RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details -- SDP, 01/30/2003
Rollie, what in particular would you like to know other than what I have mentioned?
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16142&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Rollie H., <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Part numbers for the pistons and cam. Type of combustion chamber in the heads. What size valves. </blockquote> RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details -- Rollie H., 01/30/2003
Part numbers for the pistons and cam. Type of combustion chamber in the heads. What size valves.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16144&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>SDP, <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>The pistons used were Federal Mogul part #H395P .060" over along with Sealed Power "moly" rings. The camshaft I dont have a part number for, but you can contact Ken@Oregon Cam Grinders. That is were the cam  & lifters came from. His web address<br>The heads are DT2E castings with stock sized Manley replacement 2.03/1.56 valves, hardend exh seats, Comp cams 10* degree retainers and machined locks. The final combustion chamber volume ended up at 69cc's. I had the heads milled only .010", but the block was decked .015". Anything else let me know............. </blockquote> RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details -- SDP, 01/30/2003
The pistons used were Federal Mogul part #H395P .060" over along with Sealed Power "moly" rings. The camshaft I dont have a part number for, but you can contact Ken@Oregon Cam Grinders. That is were the cam & lifters came from. His web address
The heads are DT2E castings with stock sized Manley replacement 2.03/1.56 valves, hardend exh seats, Comp cams 10* degree retainers and machined locks. The final combustion chamber volume ended up at 69cc's. I had the heads milled only .010", but the block was decked .015". Anything else let me know.............
 RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details -- Rollie H., 01/30/2003
Thanks! I am keeping notes on any 390 buildups I see.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16143&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Rollie H., <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Almost forgot about the cam timing in relation to the crank. Was it factory, advanced or retarded using multi keyway crank gear?  </blockquote> RE: 390 "Truck" Motor Details -- Rollie H., 01/30/2003
Almost forgot about the cam timing in relation to the crank. Was it factory, advanced or retarded using multi keyway crank gear?
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16146&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 390 "Truck" Motor cam timing</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>SDP, <i>01/30/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Rollie, the camshaft was ground on a 113* lobe speration and I installed it on a 110* intake centerline. The timing chain & gears was a Cloyes "Hex-A-Just" setup. First time I messed around with one of these. It worked out and fit well, but spendy! </blockquote> RE: 390 "Truck" Motor cam timing -- SDP, 01/30/2003
Rollie, the camshaft was ground on a 113* lobe speration and I installed it on a 110* intake centerline. The timing chain & gears was a Cloyes "Hex-A-Just" setup. First time I messed around with one of these. It worked out and fit well, but spendy!
 RE: 390 "Truck" Motor cam timing -- Rollie H., 01/30/2003
So this timing set allows for adjustment? I have always wanted to give it a try just to see what the effects are for different vehicles. Sounds like it worked for this buildup
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16137&Reply=16119><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: 390 "Truck" Motor & trans</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Courtney Bolze, <i>01/29/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>What transmission is bolted on? Cbolze. </blockquote> RE: 390 "Truck" Motor & trans -- Courtney Bolze, 01/29/2003
What transmission is bolted on? Cbolze.
 RE: 390 "Truck" Motor & trans -- SDP, 01/30/2003
The trans that is in the truck is the factory 4SPD. I beleve its a New Process trans...........
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16111&Reply=16111><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Advice on 427 2x4 intake</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Mike K, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Hello - I've got a 427 which currently has a tunnel wedge intake on it.  I've just had Pony Carbs rebuild the carbs and I was wondering if someone could recommend a different intake.  From what I've been told this tunnel wedge is for racing - not what I'm into.  The car has very little low end.  I would like some low end but still keep some of the top end potential.  Thanks, Mike </blockquote> Advice on 427 2x4 intake -- Mike K, 01/27/2003
Hello - I've got a 427 which currently has a tunnel wedge intake on it. I've just had Pony Carbs rebuild the carbs and I was wondering if someone could recommend a different intake. From what I've been told this tunnel wedge is for racing - not what I'm into. The car has very little low end. I would like some low end but still keep some of the top end potential. Thanks, Mike
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16115&Reply=16111><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Get a C7AE / C7ZX dual plane intake</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Royce Peterson, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>They are identical save a couple detail differences. There is a repro available. It is made by Cobra Restorers and sold by Carl's Ford Parts and Blue Thunder.<br><br>The dual plane has better low and mid range but is not as good as the Tunnel Wedge above 5500.<br><br><a href=""></a> <br><br>Royce<br><br> </blockquote> Get a C7AE / C7ZX dual plane intake -- Royce Peterson, 01/27/2003
They are identical save a couple detail differences. There is a repro available. It is made by Cobra Restorers and sold by Carl's Ford Parts and Blue Thunder.

The dual plane has better low and mid range but is not as good as the Tunnel Wedge above 5500.


Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16116&Reply=16111><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Royce - Low Rise or Medium Rise</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Mike K, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Does low mean more low end and Mid a balance in between? Thanks for the help. Mike </blockquote> Royce - Low Rise or Medium Rise -- Mike K, 01/27/2003
Does low mean more low end and Mid a balance in between? Thanks for the help. Mike
 Yes, N/M -- Royce Peterson, 01/27/2003
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16110&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>IMPORTANT NOTICE! - Please read...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Mr F, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote><TABLE width="75%" align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
      <P><FONT face=Arial size=2>You might have noticed that our 'General Forum' 
      page has a new title. The former 'FoMoCo Tech Forum' is now the 'Classic 
      Mustang Forum.'</FONT></P>
      <P><FONT face=Arial size=2>
After much thought, I've concluded there's no advantage to using my business' name in the title. Also, I think the use of 'Mustang' is more accurate in describing what the Forum is about - by far, most posts are Mustang related - and this new title should make it easier for others to find us.
Likewise, I'm changing the Forum's web-address. 
      Beginning today, the new URL is: </FONT>
<a href=""><FONT 
      face=Arial size=2></FONT></a><FONT 
      face=Arial size=2>
The old URL will be probably be gone within a few weeks, so be sure to update your bookmarks. If you know of any websites with a link to us, please tell them about the changes. And if you know of any who <u>don't</u> link to us - hey, how about asking them to do so? Know a better place to get good info? :-) 
Despite the new name &amp; 
      address, the Forum won't change in any substantial way. You're still 
      welcome to post any Ford-related topic, including non-Mustang Ford or 
      Mercury vehicles. As always, I'm just trying to make the Forum more useful 
      to more people.</FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=2>
<font color="#b40000" 
     ><b>Mr F</b></font></FONT></FONT> 
</TABLE></blockquote> IMPORTANT NOTICE! - Please read... -- Mr F, 01/27/2003

You might have noticed that our 'General Forum' page has a new title. The former 'FoMoCo Tech Forum' is now the 'Classic Mustang Forum.'

After much thought, I've concluded there's no advantage to using my business' name in the title. Also, I think the use of 'Mustang' is more accurate in describing what the Forum is about - by far, most posts are Mustang related - and this new title should make it easier for others to find us.

Likewise, I'm changing the Forum's web-address. Beginning today, the new URL is:

The old URL will be probably be gone within a few weeks, so be sure to update your bookmarks. If you know of any websites with a link to us, please tell them about the changes. And if you know of any who don't link to us - hey, how about asking them to do so? Know a better place to get good info? :-)

Despite the new name & address, the Forum won't change in any substantial way. You're still welcome to post any Ford-related topic, including non-Mustang Ford or Mercury vehicles. As always, I'm just trying to make the Forum more useful to more people.

Mr F

Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16112&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>The Changling?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>So, the page is no longer limited to FE's?  And it's primarily a "parts" forum vs a technical forum?  Sounds to me like it will become substantially different over time, if not right away.  I know you can't please everybody all of the time, but this time you havn't pleased me.  The uniqueness of the FE and the many variations, modifications and consequential variations of the engine made it worthy of a forum of its own.  This had been the only forum so completely devoted to the FE I have found to date.  I feel let down.  But I admire your guts for making the decision. </blockquote> The Changling? -- John, 01/27/2003
So, the page is no longer limited to FE's? And it's primarily a "parts" forum vs a technical forum? Sounds to me like it will become substantially different over time, if not right away. I know you can't please everybody all of the time, but this time you havn't pleased me. The uniqueness of the FE and the many variations, modifications and consequential variations of the engine made it worthy of a forum of its own. This had been the only forum so completely devoted to the FE I have found to date. I feel let down. But I admire your guts for making the decision.
 See my other response, then ask if you have questions. [n/m] -- Mr F, 01/30/2003
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16113&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Alphabet Soup</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>salid, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Sorry, I apologize up front here, but I think I' m lost in the abcds of this post.  Do you mean that the old Tech Forum is now the Classic Mustang?  ... and that the FE tech forum is no longer attached to the new Classic Mustang forum?  ... but that the FE tech forum still exists as an independent intity?  or will it go away?  (PLEASE PLEASE say it won't)<br><br>Mr F, you gotta know we love ya and that we know there is no other set of tech forums where we can find the quality and quantity of info we get here.  I know that it isn't really free (either in $ or your time) for you to keep this site up to speed.  So thanks for all the effort.  Now that I got ya all buttered up, can I whine and plead "PLEASE don't take our FE tech forum away?" </blockquote> Alphabet Soup -- salid, 01/27/2003
Sorry, I apologize up front here, but I think I' m lost in the abcds of this post. Do you mean that the old Tech Forum is now the Classic Mustang? ... and that the FE tech forum is no longer attached to the new Classic Mustang forum? ... but that the FE tech forum still exists as an independent intity? or will it go away? (PLEASE PLEASE say it won't)

Mr F, you gotta know we love ya and that we know there is no other set of tech forums where we can find the quality and quantity of info we get here. I know that it isn't really free (either in $ or your time) for you to keep this site up to speed. So thanks for all the effort. Now that I got ya all buttered up, can I whine and plead "PLEASE don't take our FE tech forum away?"
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16114&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: Alphabet Soup</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John, <i>01/27/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Actually I am confused too.  I wrote the first complaint, but I'm hoping I misunderstood what's going on and the FE forum will stay.  I went to the "General  Page" and looked at the "Site Map" and I don't see any links at all to tech forums, so I admit confusion also. </blockquote> RE: Alphabet Soup -- John, 01/27/2003
Actually I am confused too. I wrote the first complaint, but I'm hoping I misunderstood what's going on and the FE forum will stay. I went to the "General Page" and looked at the "Site Map" and I don't see any links at all to tech forums, so I admit confusion also.
 Hmmm - was it really that confusing? Here's more info... -- Mr F, 01/30/2003
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16163&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: IMPORTANT NOTICE! - Please read...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Scott Hollenbeck, <i>01/31/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Are you going to put links to the forums back on the main page for  Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I don't see any links there now. </blockquote> RE: IMPORTANT NOTICE! - Please read... -- Scott Hollenbeck, 01/31/2003
Are you going to put links to the forums back on the main page for Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I don't see any links there now.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16164&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>As I told Salid, see if these help to explain...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Mr F, <i>01/31/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote><a href=""></a><br><br><a href=""></a>  </blockquote> As I told Salid, see if these help to explain... -- Mr F, 01/31/2003
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16165&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: As I told Salid, see if these help to explain...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Scott Hollenbeck, <i>01/31/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>I read those before asking the question.  I'm still not sure I really understand why you want to have the forums without making it easy for people to find them unless you really believe that it's enough to have links from other sites (or maybe that you will eventually provide links from the second site).  I'd disagree, but hey, this is your house ;). </blockquote> RE: As I told Salid, see if these help to explain... -- Scott Hollenbeck, 01/31/2003
I read those before asking the question. I'm still not sure I really understand why you want to have the forums without making it easy for people to find them unless you really believe that it's enough to have links from other sites (or maybe that you will eventually provide links from the second site). I'd disagree, but hey, this is your house ;).
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16166&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: As I told Salid, see if these help to explain...</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Bob Sprowl, <i>01/31/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Mr F I agree with  Scott.  <br><br>Yesterday I had some time to kill and had a couple of guys interested in Fords looking over my shoulder.  I took them to the forum and then to but we couldn't find the forum.  <br><br>I doubt if your site stuck in their minds.<br><br>My the way I have a link to to here on my site.  Hope that's OK.  If you want it changed e-mail me.<br> </blockquote> RE: As I told Salid, see if these help to explain... -- Bob Sprowl, 01/31/2003
Mr F I agree with Scott.

Yesterday I had some time to kill and had a couple of guys interested in Fords looking over my shoulder. I took them to the forum and then to but we couldn't find the forum.

I doubt if your site stuck in their minds.

My the way I have a link to to here on my site. Hope that's OK. If you want it changed e-mail me.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16167&Reply=16110><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Please Sir, may I have another</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>salid, <i>01/31/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Mr. F, you are suffering for being too good a "parent" to us whining kids.  If there is a Mr. C or Mr. M, I bet they don't  they don't give as much to their adherents as you have.  I feel a little like the spoiled brat girl in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.  "I want it now Daddy."<br><br>My solution has been to have 3 "favorite" sites, one for the fomoco site, one for the mustang site and one for the FE site.  I guess if I was a big fan of the 385 series engines, I'd need one for that one too.  I was surprised to see that having them separate has not kept folks from accidently posting on the "wrong" site.  <br><br>No kidding Mr. F, you are the best.  I really do love the fomoco site and tech forums.  I'm going to try real hard to quit whining.  But if you have time, could you.... </blockquote> Please Sir, may I have another -- salid, 01/31/2003
Mr. F, you are suffering for being too good a "parent" to us whining kids. If there is a Mr. C or Mr. M, I bet they don't they don't give as much to their adherents as you have. I feel a little like the spoiled brat girl in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. "I want it now Daddy."

My solution has been to have 3 "favorite" sites, one for the fomoco site, one for the mustang site and one for the FE site. I guess if I was a big fan of the 385 series engines, I'd need one for that one too. I was surprised to see that having them separate has not kept folks from accidently posting on the "wrong" site.

No kidding Mr. F, you are the best. I really do love the fomoco site and tech forums. I'm going to try real hard to quit whining. But if you have time, could you....
 Ok, Salid - drop and give me twenty. ;-) -- Mr F, 01/31/2003

Mr. F, you are suffering for being too good a "parent" to us whining kids. If there is a Mr. C or Mr. M,

Funny you should mention them. I happen to know the putative 'Mr M' joke. He thinks handing out free stuff is strictly for suckers and therefore dispenses info only when he's being paid by the hour and/or by the page - a principle with which it is increasingly hard to argue, given his continued success.

I bet they don't they don't give as much to their adherents as you have. I feel a little like the spoiled brat girl in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. "I want it now Daddy."

Sure, I remember her - that's a great movie, with admirably dark overtones for a 'children's story. I greatly enjoy Roald Dahl's work, in general, and especially those in which petulant children get their just desserts in a scary - yet, ultimately, nonviolent - way. Is that wrong of me? ;-)

My solution has been to have 3 "favorite" sites, one for the fomoco site, one for the mustang site and one for the FE site.

Clever fellow. :-)

Fortunately, you shouldn't have to goof around with that kind of stuff, much longer. As I'm about to tell Bob & Scott (above), the whole matter should resolve itself quite nicely over the next, few months. If the layout is confusing now, thats only because I'm trying to get things - including some stuff that you can't see - 'just so.'

I guess if I was a big fan of the 385 series engines, I'd need one for that one too. I was surprised to see that having them separate has not kept folks from accidently posting on the "wrong" site.

Yeah, no kidding. Frankly, that's never been a serious concern for me. Its a bit like worrying that your cat won't manage to find his food bowl. Not only is this a somewhat remote possibility, but on the off chance it does happen you are certain to hear about it in timely fashion. ;-)

No kidding Mr. F, you are the best. I really do love the fomoco site and tech forums. I'm going to try real hard to quit whining. But if you have time, could you....

I'm very flattered, Salid - most kind of you to say so. But I think I should run and respond to Scott's criticism before I let your generous words go to my head.

Mr F

 I'm sorry to hear that, given you were trying to help. -- Mr F, 02/01/2003

Yesterday I had some time to kill and had a couple of guys interested in Fords looking over my shoulder. I took them to the forum and then to but we couldn't find the forum.

Gee, still - nice try, Bob. It was good of you to help spread the word, like that. (By the way, look for the Forums on's Links page.)

But while I appreciate the sincerity of your concern, I'm afraid I can't get too worked up about it. I mean, its unfortunate the way things turned out, yet - in a way - it was just a bad break. Over the past few years, I've heard from lots of people who said they would never come here (or wouldn't come back here) because....well, let's check the 'Excuse-O-Matic':

  1. They tried and the 'site was down, or slow...or boring.
  2. They heard the site was down, or slow...or boring.
  3. They looked around, but saw nothing about their model & year.
  4. They had just one question to ask...and did.
  5. ...but they got no responses.
  6. They heard from a guy who posted and got no responses.
  7. ...or they got responses, but not fast enough.
  8. ...or they got the 'wrong kind' of responses.
  9. ...or nobody paid enough attention to their car.
  10. ...or nobody paid enough attention to them.
  11. ...or someone made a joke and they were offended.
  12. They heard someone got offended by a joke.

You might think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.

That's dozens of people, each of them lost due to one - possibly random - event. Shall I blame some on poor design and others on 'bad luck?' Which? I don't have time for that. We must hope the Forums' value goes beyond the occasional glitch. If so, then lost users will either try again or will hear about us enough to rekindle their you might do with your two buddies.

I doubt if your site stuck in their minds.

They saw and won't be back? Fair enough - and I'd consider making changes, based on their feedback.

But I see no connection between that and adding links to the Forums. In those previously cited responses, I try to explain my position and why the business must come first: forums contribute almost nothing to sales and yet rely upon those sales for their existence. Attracting (or keeping) more readers is no help unless it can be translated into increased revenue.

By the way I have a link to to here on my site. Hope that's OK.

Really? Aw, hey - Thanks. Its a very thoughtful gesture. :-)

If you want it changed e-mail me.

The only request I'd make is to please use the Forum's 'formal' title, shown atop the mainpage. And, while you're at it, be sure to use the correct URL. The other forum's address changed earlier this week and this one will soon be changing to Oh - and would you consider putting a giant, flashing arrow, right next to it? ;-)

Mr F

 Holy cow, guys - am I really so inscrutable? :-) -- Mr F, 02/01/2003

I read those before asking the question.

Sorry - I had no way of knowing that.

I'm still not sure I really understand why you want to have the forums without making it easy for people to find them

In those responses you read, I tried to show that any lack of links is only a temporary situation. All my Forums will be linked from the new 'site, soon enough and in the usual way. Meanwhile, I don't see the point in spending time to create 'new' pages with 'new' links...all of which will be obsolete, come Valentine's Day. ;-)

unless you really believe that it's enough to have links from other sites

Oh, sure - as though I could get a decent number of links like that!

This is a point that I'm sure you and most other readers haven't considered. Fact is, most of the biggest and/or most popular of Ford-related websites are either (a) parts vendors or (b) clubs. And I've found them generally unwilling to trade links. Obviously, this is partly due to the Forum's relationship with my business. A non-profit 'site like yours is received with much more hospitality.

(or maybe that you will eventually provide links from the second site).

There you go. ;-)

I'd disagree, but hey, this is your house ;)

True, but thanks for your polite concern.

And I don't doubt that some folks who might become new users are having trouble finding this page or the Mustang Forum - witness Bob's post that follows. On the other hand, its not as though no one comes here. I say this despite what looks (even to me) like a small number of posts. Here are this Forum's numbers for the month just ending:

  •   7424 - Mainpage Hits
  • 16981 - Post Hits
  •       49 - Top-level Posts
  •     217 - Reply Posts

Even if we're only talking about individual posts - the best indication of true reader activity - that's ~360 page-views, daily. And, because our code doesn't force a reload (even after posting) this is a legitimate count. That's not bad for a Forum to which, unlike your non-profit 'site, the biggest & most popular 'sites refuse to link.

Mr F

Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16101&Reply=16101><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Carb info</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>John, <i>01/26/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Holley carb.<br><br>List 4118-S<br>0923<br><br>Replacement for what?<br>Is it a 725 or...?<br>Datecode translate to Feb 3, 69 or 79 or?<br><br>John<br> </blockquote> Carb info -- John, 01/26/2003
Holley carb.

List 4118-S

Replacement for what?
Is it a 725 or...?
Datecode translate to Feb 3, 69 or 79 or?

 RE: Carb info -- Bob Sprowl, 01/26/2003
Book shows that it was originally on a 1968 289 Shebly, probably rated at 600 CFM.
 RE: Carb info -- Pete's Ponies, 01/26/2003
my info shows it as a 725 cfm. With a date code like that, it is an aftermarket carb. The 92nd day of 73? 83?
 Its an OTC carb sold by Holley & Shelby dealers... -- Mr F, 01/27/2003
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16100&Reply=16100><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Fan shroud numbers</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Greg, <i>01/26/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote> Can anyone tell me the application for this fan shroud?   D1ZE-8146-AA.  It's obviously not the right one for my '69 MachI w/428.<br> Greg<br> </blockquote> Fan shroud numbers -- Greg, 01/26/2003
Can anyone tell me the application for this fan shroud? D1ZE-8146-AA. It's obviously not the right one for my '69 MachI w/428.
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16102&Reply=16100><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>Boss 351, and maybe many others.</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Dave Shoe, <i>01/26/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>I expect the Boss 351 uses it, and that it's probably used in numerous outher applications, reference:<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br>Shoe. </blockquote> Boss 351, and maybe many others. -- Dave Shoe, 01/26/2003
I expect the Boss 351 uses it, and that it's probably used in numerous outher applications, reference:

 Thanks Dave n.m. -- Greg, 01/26/2003
 RE: Boss 351, and maybe many others. -- aaron, 06/22/2005
i have a 1971 boss 351 where on the engine block is the code..on top of the block its got dizx.....
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16092&Reply=16092><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>should I buy this 428?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Louis 466, <i>01/26/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>I'm a Ford fan from holland and need you guys' advice on purchasing a's got a head# C8aeh,block#C7mea .in my opinion this could also be a 330 truckblock,correct?I have to return his call and ask for the crank#.<br>are there any special things to watch for,I've heard they have the tendency to crack.if so ,what do I look for.I know from one guy overhere with a 428 in his Fairlane,and that's the only one I rare are they overthere?I want to swap this engine in place of my 352 in a Merc. Monterey wagon.this should be a bolt in.he asking 750 dollar,is this engine worth it?<br>thanks for any advice,  Louis </blockquote> should I buy this 428? -- Louis 466, 01/26/2003
I'm a Ford fan from holland and need you guys' advice on purchasing a's got a head# C8aeh,block#C7mea .in my opinion this could also be a 330 truckblock,correct?I have to return his call and ask for the crank#.
are there any special things to watch for,I've heard they have the tendency to crack.if so ,what do I look for.I know from one guy overhere with a 428 in his Fairlane,and that's the only one I rare are they overthere?I want to swap this engine in place of my 352 in a Merc. Monterey wagon.this should be a bolt in.he asking 750 dollar,is this engine worth it?
thanks for any advice, Louis
Collapse <a href=../ForumFE/reply.aspx?ID=16093&Reply=16092><img src=../images/reply.png width=30 height=10></a>&nbsp;<b>RE: should I buy this 428?</b>&nbsp;-- <font color=#0000ff>Bob Sprowl, <i>01/26/2003</i></font><br /><blockquote>Here's the easy way to check the stroke without removing the head.  Get a straight 12 inch piece of coat hanger wire.  Get a magic marker. Remove the number 1 and number 4 spark plugs.  Turn the engine over until the timing mark is at TDC.  Put the wire in the number 1 spark plug hole with wire resting on the top of the piston.  Make a mark on the wire even with the lip on the valve cover.  Now move the wire over to the number 4 cylinder and mark the wire again.  Measure the distance between the two marks. <br><br>For those that don't know:  3.98 is the stroke for the 410 and 428 engines; 3.78 is the stroke for the 390, 406 and 427 engines and 3.5 is the stroke for the 352 and 360 engines.<br><br>Thanks to John Wilkerson for giving me the idea for the stroke checking. <br> </blockquote> RE: should I buy this 428? -- Bob Sprowl, 01/26/2003
Here's the easy way to check the stroke without removing the head. Get a straight 12 inch piece of coat hanger wire. Get a magic marker. Remove the number 1 and number 4 spark plugs. Turn the engine over until the timing mark is at TDC. Put the wire in the number 1 spark plug hole with wire resting on the top of the piston. Make a mark on the wire even with the lip on the valve cover. Now move the wire over to the number 4 cylinder and mark the wire again. Measure the distance between the two marks.

For those that don't know: 3.98 is the stroke for the 410 and 428 engines; 3.78 is the stroke for the 390, 406 and 427 engines and 3.5 is the stroke for the 352 and 360 engines.

Thanks to John Wilkerson for giving me the idea for the stroke checking.
 RE: should I buy this 428? -- Pete's Ponies, 01/26/2003
and it would be a great deal if it truely is a 428. Bare blocks over here go for $450-up!! Cranks bring $400-up.
 RE: should I buy this 428? -- Glenn N, 01/26/2003
Besides what bob has said I would pull the head off and measure the bore of cyl. The 428 has a std 4.13 bore keeping in mind overbore if eng has been rebuilt. Cranks can be changed to different applications you never know! so depending on who you are buying this from check it out carefully. If it is what he says it is he should have no problem with you checking! my 2 cents...
 Bad info. -- Dave Shoe, 01/26/2003
It's true that C7ME-A indicates a possible 428 or possible 330, but this marking was standard on all FE and FT blocks, so the info you've read is dangerously incomplete. Greatest likelyhood is that it's a 360/390 block, based on the sheer numbers produced.

Note that it's a 1968-early1972 engine. It can be from any FE or FT of this period.

If it's got a large "A" or "C" hand scratched into the sand at the rear face of the block (characters will protrude a couple mm), then it's super-likely to be a 428 casting. If it's blank on the rear face, it's likely to be the common block of the casting period - this would be a 360/390 block.

It is a relatively simple drop-in for your Merc, but beware it may be a sheep in wolf's clothing. Even the seller may not know what it is, due to reading the same incorrect literature.

Note that 428s with C6AE-H heads are extremely rare. Only 1968-70 police engines and (I believe) early 1968 Ford Galaxies had this combo.

Note that the rods in a 390 and 428CJ are all the same forging. Only the bolt hole was drilled differently. These are good rods to build with, but ARP bolts are a good idea.

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